首页 > 网络协议 > SSL/TLS > 申请Lets Encrypt永久免费SSL证书(解决系统不受支持)

申请Lets Encrypt永久免费SSL证书(解决系统不受支持)


使用Let's Encrypt申请免费通配符SSL证书的方法,今天在更新证书的时候发现生成证书有问题,原因是因为certbot-auto不再支持所有的操作系统:


Skipping bootstrap because certbot-auto is deprecated on this system.
Your system is not supported by certbot-auto anymore.
Certbot cannot be installed.
Please visit https://certbot.eff.org/ to check for other alternatives.


    The biggest factor that drove this deprecation now was Python 2 reaching its end-of-life this year. When this script was initially written 5 years ago, it was written to use Python 2 on most systems. While Python 2 is still receiving security support by various distros, the Python ecosystem has moved on and many of our dependencies are dropping support for Python 2. In order to continue to provide updates to our users, we have to get them on Python 3. We tried to migrate certbot-auto users to Python 3 in the past, but it's a ton of work and extremely error prone. Instead of trying to do this work and hope we didn't break anything (like we did last time 3), we decided to sunset the script in favor of other distribution methods.








    (5)、重启系统(可选)(确保snap启动正常,否则可能提示error: too early for operation, device not yet seeded or device model not acknowledged):







5、申请证书(通配格式只能使用DNS验证,单域名可以用HTTP(s)和DNS验证)(新版默认使用ECC格式私钥,所以可以指定RSA格式私钥--key-type rsa)(不想输入邮箱还可以用--register-unsafely-without-email):

执行到这里的时候,我们需要先去域名添加对应的DNS TXT记录之后,再去回车继续执行,会显示验证成功并生成了ssl证书文件






    (1)、申请通配符证书,只能使用 dns-01 的方式。


    (3)、如果统配和根域名都要使用的话,生成的时候需要写成-d "1987619.com" -d "*.1987619.com" ,域名替换成自己的即可